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Front door seals

Do any of you fine fellows have picture of the profile of the front door rubber seals? I remember taken mine off but cannot remember where I put them down so need to source new,just need reminding the profile...


Mon 13 Feb 2012 @ 20:27 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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If you head over to
and down load the catalog page 90 you will see SRS014N and SRS132
either of these will fit but you will need a very small slit in the base to fit the plastic pin so you can clip it to the door.

Also around the door frame you need Page 87, there you will see 6 different moldings pick the 1 that fits closest to your old 1

You can swap the frame seal to 1 of the composite self grip type which will give you extra seal against the door.DX71 / DX73.


Mon 13 Feb 2012 @ 21:41 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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